Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone!

Today I want to share my class activity in 23 July 2019 (Tuesday). It was the fourth week of the study session in this semester. That day DSK2A had an entrepreneurship class by Sir Zaini. Our class is in TECC room. On that day, Sir Zaini divide us into groups which is one group have five group members. We were instructed to provide one Power Point to do a presentation about topic that we got. The main topic that we will learn is Business Ownership. In this topic we will learn about factors in selecting a business ownership, types of business ownership, sole proprietorship, partnership, private limited company, public limited company, acquisition, start-up, franchise and various ways to establish a new venture.

On that day, just a few groups that presents because there has not enough times to cover all the topics. The first group is present about the factors in selecting a business ownership and type of business ownership. Factors in selecting a business ownership is about someone who is thinking of launching a new business should consider the following factors in selecting a proper form of ownership. The factors in selecting a business ownership is divide into four which is capital, personal assets, Span of control and sharing of information. Other than that is about the types of business ownership. In that topic I learn about the legal conditions of each form of business ownership must be considered by the entrepreneur to make the right choice and must take the advantages and disadvantages of every form of business ownership during the selection process. There are four  popular types of business ownership for an entrepreneur to choose from sole proprietorship, partnership, private limited company and public limited company.

The second group is presents about sole proprietorship. It was divide into two which is the advantages of sole proprietorship and disadvantages of sole proprietorship. The advantages of sole proprietorship is limited liability, perpetual life, attracts skilled employees and ease of expansion. Moreover, the disadvantages of sole proprietorship is unlimited liability, lack of continuity, incurs all losses and limited access to funds. Then the presentation will continued in the next classes. Then Sir Zaini gave a short explanation about the topic that was presented of both group to increase our understanding about that topic. I was so enjoyed that day because I was learn a new thing about the subject.