Future carrier in Entrepreneurship Industry
Describe my future carrier:
I want to be the most helpful person in the company and always have a brain ideas because I like to talk and give my opinion especially when things I know' I will explain and argue them. Next thing is, I want help them to find and know the visit unfamiliar areas and interesting places.Also, wanna be the most successful manufactures in Malaysia.
Position:Human Resources
Salary Expectation: RM1000
How I'll prepare myself to be in this industry:
William R. Tracey, in "The Human Resources Glossary," defines Human Resources as: "The people that staff and operate an organization," as contrasted with the financial and material resources of an organization. ,
Human Resources is also the function in an organization that deals with the people and issues related to people such as compensation and benefits, recruiting and hiring employees, onboarding employees, performance management, training, and organization development and culture. Human Resources staff is also responsible for advising senior staff about the impact on people (the human resources) of their financial, planning, and performance decisions. I must learn to have a communicate clearly with clients. I will improve my skill while communicate with my customer and also learn more language especially english cause I know I'm so bad in english so I need to push up myself and work hard if i don't want to have any problem with my customer and client. The last one is I shoul always be aware with current issues. I will also become a diligent person and show to other people the real me. I will be dicipline with my time management and etc.