Future carrier in Entrepreneurship Industry


Describe my future carrier:
I want to be the most helpful person in the company and always give an idea to create something new about business because I love to show them that i got an ideas on business and tell them about what i know because it will give them new information by sharing our knowledge. Other than that, I want help them to find and know the visit unfamiliar areas and interesting places.

 CEO in Business Company

Salary Expectation: RM3500

How I'll prepare myself to be in this industry:
To be a CEO or manager, I have to practice to speak in fluent english so that my client can hear clearly about what i am talking about. I will improve my skill even that i can speak in english nicely.  The last one is I should always be aware with current issues. I will also become a diligent person and show to other people the real me. I will be dicipline with my time management and etc.

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